Attribute arguments

perl5 had broken attribute handling forever

perl5 attributes were invented to provide extendable hooks to attach data or run code at any data, and made for nice syntax, almost resembling other languages.


my $i :Int = 1;
sub calc :prototype($$) { shift + shift }

There were a few number of builtin attributes, like :lvalue, :shared, :const, adding a flag to a function or data, and you could add package-specific for compile-time or run-time hooks to process arbitrary custom attributes.

A &MyClass::FETCH_SCALAR_ATTRIBUTES hook would be called on every not-builtin MyClass:: scalar attribute at run-time, and &MyClass::MODIFY_SCALAR_ATTRIBUTES at compile-time.

If you would want to process attributes in all classes you’d need to add UNIVERSAL hooks or use handlers like Attribute::Handlers. This would simplify declaring code for attributes.

sub Good : ATTR(SCALAR) {
    my ($package, $symbol, $referent, $attr, $data) = @_;

    # Invoked for any scalar variable with a :Good attribute,
    # provided the variable was declared in MyClass (or
    # a derived class) or typed to MyClass.

    # Do whatever to $referent here (executed in CHECK phase).

Note the last $data argument above. This is the optional argument for an :Good attribute, such as in my MyClass $obj :Good(print a number);. Do you see the problem?

$data will be the result of the evaluation of print a number. Which will create this error: Can't locate object method "a" via package "number". This would be the correct declaration: my MyClass $obj :Good("print a number");. So Attribute::Handlers is entirely unsafe by evaluating all attribute arguments.

But Damian was right thinking of the use-cases. Attribute arguments are needed to attach certain data to a variable of function. He just didn’t implement it properly, as with all of his modules.

E.g. in cperl we added type support via attributes: sub calc ($a:int) :int { $a + 10 } declares calc as returning an int type, and the $a argument to accept int types.

For the upcoming cperl ffi (Foreign FunctionCall Interface) we need attribute arguments more urgently.

sub random () :native :long; declares random as native function, searched in all loaded shared libraries. I.e. libc must already be loaded. It is by default, so this works. But for non-default shared libraries we need to specify the name of the library.

Look e.g. at this perl6 NativeCall declaration:

use NativeCall;
sub mysql_init( OpaquePointer $mysql_client )
    returns OpaquePointer
    is native('libmysqlclient')
    { ... }

Of course this syntax is not ideal.

  • returns OpaquePointer is abbrevated in cperl to :OpaquePointer.
  • is native('libmysqlclient') has the syntax :native('mysqlclient').
  • The empty { ... } block is of course left out. Ditto for { * }. This is superfluous syntax.

A ffi declaration is just a declaration without a body. The body is looked up by the native attribute, in the declared library, and optionally under the :symbol('mysql_init') name. See the p6 nativecall docs.

cperl syntax:

use NativeCall;
extern sub mysql_init( OpaquePointer $mysql_client ) :OpaquePointer :native('mysqlclient');

The extern sub declaration is syntax sugar, extern means the same as :native, it just looks better, as in better languages.

Attribute arguments

Now to the :native argument, the name of library. You saw in the first zavolaj example the lib prefix stated explictly. is native('libmysqlclient')

This will not work on windows and cygwin. cygwin needs a cyg prefix and a version suffix, the dll is called cygmysqlclient-18.dll.

On windows the library would be called libmysql.dll, but this varies wildly, as there’s no naming convention for shared libs, only for import libs.

The world is not made for FFI’s, just for linking libraries at compile-time. There a -lmysqlclient is enough, on windows this would find libmysqlclient.dll.a or libmysqlclient.lib, which is an import library which refers to the proper versioned name of the current shared library. Remember that windows does not solve the versionining problem of shared libraries via symlinks. One does not load shared libraries directly on Windows.

So your FFI mysql connector would do some little application logic, like

    my $libname = "mysqlclient";
    $libname = "cygmysqlclient-18.dll" if $^O eq 'cygwin`;
    sub mysql_init( OpaquePointer $mysql_client ) :OpaquePointer :native($libname);

It cannot be solved in the native attribute handler unless you add the version, like :native('mysqlclient', 18). Then the library searcher can add some magic to find the proper shared library. But it is usually done application specific.

But all this will not work in perl5, as perl5 has no proper way to resolve the attribute argument $libname at run-time. What perl5 does is parsing :native($libname) to the string 'native($libname)' and passes it to BEGIN { use attributes ... ':native($libname)'; }.

Note ':native($libname)' and not ":native($libname)", i.e. $libname is not expanded to it’s value, and it would not help much as the call happens at compile-time, so $libname would have been empty still.

What it should have done instead is to inject the code use attributes ... "native($libname)";, which is the equivalent of

BEGIN { require attributes; }
attributes->import(__PACKAGE__, \&msql_init, "native", $libname);

Which means the import call needs to be deferred to run-time. perl5 does this only for my variable attribute parsing, but not for functions.

my $var :native($libname) would correctly call the importer at run-time, but sub random() :native($libname); would falsely call the importer at compile-time, and the argument would not be parsed at all. Everything is passed as string to the importer, and the hook needs to parse the argument. Hence the Attribute:Handler security nightmare, simply calling eval on all args. Which is a lot of fun e.g. with a documentation attribute with App::Rad, when your docstring is eval’ed.

Now with cperl there are now two kind of builtin attributes. The old :prototype args are still compiled as barewords, but the new :native and :symbol attribute args (and probably more upcoming) are compiled as data, with constant strings being compiled at compile-time, and scalar values being defered to run-time. Just as with use attributes "native", $libname;


Internally perl5 has 3 attrs API’s. Two of them are useful, if still broken.

apply_attrs is the compile-time variant, passing the verbatim string with the argument to the attribute import call at compile-time.

This translates sub func :native($libname) to BEGIN { use attributes __PACKAGE__, \&func, 'native($libname)'; }.

apply_attrs_my is the run-time variant, passing the verbatim string with the argument to the attribute import call at run-time.

This translates my $var :native($libname); to my $var; use attributes __PACKAGE__, \&var, 'native($libname);. This is almost correct. At least the import is done at run-time, and the attribute handler will have a chance to handle the value of the thing inside the parens. So eval will work there.

cperl detects in the lexer scalar variables from attribute arguments, constructs a proper list for the argument, and passes it to apply_attrs(), which then tries to detect needed run-time deferral. And if so calls apply_attrs_my() instead.

This translates my $var :native($libname); to

my $var; use attributes __PACKAGE__, \$var, 'native', $libname;

And sub func :native($libname); to

sub func; use attributes __PACKAGE__, \&func, 'native', $libname;

The third internal API apply_attrs_string is extremely naive and only useful to process simple ATTRS: token in XS declarations. It cannot handle utf8, and splits arguments by space, not being able to handle nested parens. And then it calls the importer at compile-time.

In cperl I added an attrs_runtime() API, which looks at the list of attrs from the lexer, and calls the runtime variant apply_attrs_my when a scalar variable or function call is detected.

So far I treat :native and :symbol barewords as constant strings and not as function calls. I.e. :native(mysqlclient) does not call the mysqlclient function to return the name. Attribute::Handler would do that. I’ll probably add that with the more explicit :native(&mysqlclient) syntax.

Why attributes?

A better idea than attributes to attach data would have been metadata as methods, because then you could also query the current values. With attributes you can only set it.

\&mysql_ffi_fetch->NATIVE = "";
print \&mysql_ffi_fetch->NATIVE, \&mysql_ffi_fetch->SYMBOL;

This would be independent of packages, and much easier than with package specific FETCH_CODE_ATTRIBUTES hooks. You just query the data. And the magic method would be lvalue, so it could be used as getter and setter.

But for compatibility with other languages attributes do make a fine syntax to declare data properties. So cperl will continue to use the perl5 attribute syntax for perl6 traits.

See also

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