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Perl5 on p2

Language backwards-compatible Extensions

With p2 I plan to parse and execute perl5 asis.
It is still vaporware, only the compiler and vm and some libraries work so far.
Not the parser, compile-time type optimizations (so far everything is dynamic),
threaded coroutines, thread-safe GC, not many libraries, no ffi.

Problem will arise with XS code, since the VM is different, and not
all XS API functions can be supported. It should be much easier to
use XS-like functionality with the new FFI, or by using extension
libraries with native calls. See lib/readline. So we will loose
40% of CPAN code, but will win on performance, expressibility and
compile-time error checking when binding libs.

use p2; or -E will enable the following extended features:

All data are objects, all declarations can be optionally typed

I.e. all core types are implictly blessed into the int, str, num
classes and mixins thereof.
See pddtypes.pod and perltypes.pod for more.

my int $i;
my const str $s = "string";
my const int $h = {foo => 1, bla => 0};
my const int @a = (0..9);

const declarations for data, @ISA, classes and functions/methods

class and method will be keywords.

method calls should be inlinable and compile-time optimizable.

a class is final, methods cannot be changed or added later, the @ISA is readonly.
todo: use oo => options;

function and method signatures

parameters can be declared differently to p5 and p6:

declare constness with a ‘-’ prefix
declare alias (by ref) with a ‘\’ prefix
declare default values with ‘=’ [done]

- param is ro => -param
- param is alias => \param

int method adder (int \$self, int -$a=1) { $self += $a; }
# or untyped
method adder (\$self, -$a=1) { $self += $a; }

sized arrays

my $a[10];
my int $a[10];

Sized arrays are are non-autovivifying and initialized with undef,
resp. if typed 0, 0.0, or "". This speeds up array access by factor 2-4.
See optimizing compiler benchmarks part 3

no magic

A new pragma “no magic” applies to all visible objects in scope.

  no magic;
  use Config;
  print $Config{'ccflags'};

=> compile-time error: Invalid use of tie with no magic


  no magic;
  use Config ();
  print $Config::Config{'ccflags'};


See optimizing compiler benchmarks part 3

match operator

The simple smartmatch is already taken and will just work, because all
data is dynamically typed. smartmatch will use a user-defined MATCH method
for objects. given/when is too limited and a bit broken.

But we want to match structures to find structures in lists or trees
(nested structures), not only strings. regex and parsers are string matchers,
match and bind are more general concepts.
See magpie patterns

my $s = "s";
match /^s/, 123, 1 {
  case $s, $n is Int, $_: say "matched $s, $n, $_";
  else: say "no match";

is Int is a new Type Pattern, which matches a type or subtype.
It calls the typeof() function.
is is a new keyword to match types in patterns.
$_ in patterns is always true and returns the given scalar value.
Use @_ to match multiple expressions, the “rest”.

extensible parser

The current leg based p2 parser can handle complicated expressions and operator
precedence much better than the recursive descent LLAR yacc
parser in perly.y. No lexer needed, problematic syntax can be avoided,
like previously mandatory parenthesis. E.g. if or while boolean expressions
don’t need parens.

if $cmp {
  if $s say "$s";
  else say "else";

if statements are expressions, they can be used on the right-hand side.

$s = if ($a < 1) { "less" } else { "more" }; # [done]
# or simplier
$s = if $a < 1 "less" else "more";

for lists should not need parens, the expressions are evaluated in list

  for $_ qw(a b c) {

  const int[] sub get_list {(0..9)}

  for my $i get_list() {
    say $i;

The language should be extendable. Left or right assiocative keywords
should be easily added to the parser description, with statically
deterministic proper precedence rules. run-time extendable
associativity only with Pratt or marpa-like parsers.
with peg top-down parsers the problem is which rule to extend, and how.
Anyway, I need to add a little state-machine interpreter (such as spencer regexs),
or jit the state machine as in maru, or precompile grammars and macros to shared libs.

The current packrat parser based on leg is not quite as highly efficient and
dynamically extendable as a Pratt top-down parser
with special operator precedence rules in the parser table
declaration, but it does not backtrack as much as yacc in
expressions due to memoizing, and precedence is statically defined in
the rules.

But in the end I’ll need a dynamic parser to support macros. The
problem is that such a parser cannot be stolen yet, nobody has written
so far one in C, only in LISP, C#, java or javascript. The idea to base
macros on the parser probably didn’t come to anyone yet outside the
functional language community. Rob Pike recently presented a nice and easy-enough
ad-hoc parser for Go templates
So far marpa seems to be the best dynamic parser library, there is a C library.
Extending it at run-time should be achievable easily, and the parser
algorithm is pretty robust. magpie, maru and idst provide similar dynamic
extensible parsing frameworks in non-weird vm’s, Haskell, JVM, .NET.


macros expose the power of the parser to the language, as in LISP.
They allow extending and simplifying the language.

macros are compile-time parser extensions, rules added after startup,
which do not construct parse trees directy, but indirectly. macro
argument declarations have the same syntax as the internal grammer,
and may use the same rules (i.e. non-terminal symbols) from the
grammer, i.e. the left hand side of the grammar rules, but the body is
written in native perl5, with a mix of compile-time and run-time


    block = '{' s:statements* '}' { $$ = PN_AST(BLOCK, s); }
$DEBUG = $Config{ccflags} =~ /-DDEBUGGING/;
macro ifdebug block "ifdebug" {
    if ($DEBUG) `block`;
{ call() } ifdebug;
macro ifdebug statements "ifdebug" {
    if ($DEBUG) { `statements` };
call() ifdebug;

A macro can use valid parser expressions, i.e. strings
(i.e. terminals) or any valid parser rule (i.e. non-terminals) as argument,
here the rule block, and even b:block to assign the variable b
for the matched block, esp. when matching two rules, i.e. b1:block b2:block.
See the documentation of the parser for valid parser expressions.
leg supports peg expressions like * + ?, backtracking lookahead assertions
! &, and grouping via ().
marpa only supports sequences with a defined number of min and max sequences,
min=0 i.e. *, min=1 i.e. +, optional ? would be min=0, max=1.
Syntax: rule{min,max} min defaults to 0, max to infinite,
Later hopefully rule+, rule* and rule?. The PEG backtracking lookahead
assertions ! & are not needed in marpa, because it embraces a bottom-up BNF

Most keywords should be defined as macros. E.g. for, while and
match can be more easily defined as macros. Short circuiting and
partial evaluation should be possible in macros.
Currently most keywords are defined as special compiler rules, and not in the parser,
to keep the parser clean and you are able to override the compiler.

Normal functions or methods do not need to be defined in the language,
they are library calls. 90% of the ops previously defined in perl5 are
moved to the standard library. Most syntax extending declarations are
macros defined in the standard library.

With macros you can define your own compile-time optimizations.
Every statement in a macro, which is not evaluated, is not compiled in,
it is ignored. E.g. you can simplify all your if $DEBUG statements,
and extend the expressibility of your code.

() groups list in parse expressions, and does not match perl elements in lists.

macro dbgprint "dbgprint" ( s:stmt )* {
  if ($DEBUG) {
    print @`s`;
macro while "while" - '(' e:expr ')' - '{' b:block '}' {
  my $label = gensym('WHILE');
  $label: if (`e`) {
    goto $label;

‘(’ is to disambiguate a parse-time ‘(’ from a grouping (.
`` is taken to evaluate (=expand) expressions within macros.
@`` splices expanded code in list context.
Similar to perl6 quasi or {{{ }}} blocks, just simplier.

Note that the return value of this while is always undef, and
the while construct needs the () and {}, contrary to the current keyword.
But you can declare a while macro for the single block case without {}.

marketing blurbs: p2 will be the first implementation of any mainstream
non-LISP language with proper macro support.


you should be able to define C functions and structs easily,
either by parsing a header file or by inling C syntax.
p2 will support load and calling a dlsym,
but hopefully also parsing a full C grammar.


p2::load "libm";
  use syntax 'C';
  #pragma perl $i => double;
  #pragma perl $num <= double num;

  #include <math.h>
  double num = sqrt(2.0 + $i);
print $num;

This will work because loading a new syntax can be done at
run-time and a block has scoped types and mixins.